Certificate of geographical indication - 61

National Institute of Intellectual Property



(111) No. of registrations


Type of TP

Certificate of geographical indication

(210) Application Number


(220) Date of application


(540) Image


(730) Owner

"Tore-Togam" Limited Liability Partnership

(450) Number and date of the bulletin

№ 49 - 06.12.2024

(181) Validity period

Type of product


Fish fillet

Indication of the place of production of the goods (boundaries of the geographical object):

plot Tore-Togam 108, Kurchum village, Kurchum district, East Kazakhstan region, East Kazakhstan oblast

Description of quality, reputation and/or other characteristics 

The enterprise carries out entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of extraction and processing of fish resources on assigned 5 fishery plots of Lake Zaisan of East Kazakhstan region with total area of 149,500 hectares.

Lake Zaisan is located in eastern Kazakhstan, in an open high and flat valley. The lake is at an altitude of 420 m, it is 105 km long and 22-48 km wide, with a maximum depth of 15 m. The water is fresh, soft and clear. Water mineralization (sodium chloride class) does not exceed 100 mg/l, transparency 1.3 m. There are no large cities and industrial enterprises near the coast, which favorably affects the ecology and water condition.

The lake is famous for its abundance of fish: pikeperch, pike, burbot, perch, yaz, tench, crayfish, bream and crucian carp.

The fish processing enterprise is located on the shore of the Bukhtarma Reservoir and processes fish caught in Lake Zaisan and the Bukhtarma Reservoir.

The plant is equipped with modern equipment that allows filleting, sawing chilled or frozen fish into carcasses, pieces, steaks. Production shops are equipped with refrigerators, vertical blast chambers where up to 12 tons of freshly caught fish can be frozen within 3 hours. The projected capacity of the plant for storage in warehouses - up to 1.1 thousand tons of fish products, processing of fillets - up to 10 tons per day and fish bone meal - up to 10 tons per day.

It is allowed to use fish with mechanical damage after removing the damaged parts beforehand. Fish fillets are made for each fish species separately.

Preparation of raw materials (defrosting, washing fish). Frozen fish thawed in running or periodically changed water temperature not exceeding 15 ° C at a ratio of fish weight and water 1:2. In this case, defrosting is considered complete when the temperature inside the body of the fish is no more than minus 3 ° C and free removal of viscera from the abdominal cavity. Then defrosted fish is washed with clean fresh water in a fish washer to remove mucus and surface contaminants.

Obtaining fish fillets. Pre-cleaned washed fish from scales in a scaling drum, it is gutted, decapitated and the tail fin is removed. Cutting fish into fillets is done by plastination. To obtain a fillet with skin cut half of the fish (fillet), starting from the head to the tail, leading the knife parallel to the spine. As a result of such plastovaniya get two fillets: fillet with skin and rib bones (upper fillet) and fillet with skin, backbone and rib bones (lower fillet). To remove the backbone, the bottom fillet is turned over and placed skin-side up on a board. Starting from the head or tail side, trim the flesh and cut it off the backbone, leaving the backbone and rib bones on the board. In this way, both fillets with skin are obtained. In this case, the yield of ready fillets varies from 55% to 65% depending on the size range of fish.

Packaging. Ready fish fillets, before freezing, are packed in clean, strong, odorless bags made of polymeric materials approved for contact with food by the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision bodies.

Freezing. Fillet freezing is carried out in blast chillers at a temperature not exceeding minus 25°C, after which the finished fillet is glazed in special baths by freezing a thin crust of fresh ice on its surface with the help of a refrigeration unit (-23 -30°C), which protects the fish fillet from shrinkage, loss of flavor, color change, as well as oxidation of fat.

Labeling and packaging. Fish fillets are packed by methods that exclude dehydration, oxidation and ensure safety and quality during transportation, storage and sale of this finished product.

Quick-frozen ready fish fillets are packed according to GOST in bags made of film (polymer) materials, boxes made of corrugated cardboard with shells.

Film bags with products are packed in corrugated cardboard crates with a product weight limit of 30 kilograms. All containers are sturdy, dry, clean and odorless.

Boxes with frozen fillets are glued with paper-based adhesive tape or polyethylene tape with a sticky layer.

Consumer and transport containers with finished product are labeled in accordance with the standard for labeling rules.

Transfer of finished goods to the warehouse. Storage. Transportation. In order to ensure the safety of product quality, quick-frozen ready-to-eat fish fillets are stored at a temperature not exceeding minus 18 °C.

Shelf life of glazed frozen fish fillets at a temperature not higher than - 18 °C, not more than 7 months from the date of manufacture.

Transportation of finished products is carried out by refrigerated trucks - trailers and semi-trailers with insulated (isothermal) vans, equipped with refrigeration units that maintain the specified temperature regime (-22 degrees) in the cargo compartment.

Organoleptic values: 

Appearance (after thawing) - frozen pikeperch fillet by piece, clean, whole, without significant deformations

Consistency (after defrosting) - dense, typical for fish of this species

Odor - peculiar to fresh fish, without extraneous odor

Taste and odor (after thawing) - peculiar to the given fish species

Consistency (after boiling) - brittle, tender, juicy, characteristic of this type of fish

Microbiological indicators: 

MAFANMS, CFU(d) - 1.5 x 10⁴

BLCP (g/cm3) - not detected

S. aureus (g/cm3) - not detected

Pathogenic, including salmonellae (d) - not detected

L.monocytogenes (d) - not detected

Radioactive content

Strontium - 90,( Bq/kg) - 3.4 ±8.6

Cesium -137, (Bq/kg) - 8.0 ± 11.5

Pesticide content: 

HCCH ( α,, γ isomers) ( mg/kg/) - <0.03

DDT and its metabolites ( mg/kg) - <0.03

Toxic element content: 

Lead (mg/kg) - 0.043 ±0.013

Cadmium (mg/kg) - 0.030 ± 0.008

Arsenic (mg/kg) - 0.0023 ± 0.0008

Parasitologic indicators:

Plerocercoides diphyllobothridis - not detected