Certificate of geographical indication - 12

National Institute of Intellectual Property



(111) Registration №


Type of TP

Certificate of geographical indication

(210) Application number


(220) Date of application


(540) Image

(730) Owner

Altyn-Orda Limited Liability Partnership

(450) Number and date of the bulletin

№ 33 - 16.08.2024

(181) Validity period

Type of product


Food salt

Indication of the place of production of the goods (boundaries of the geographical object):

The Arysskoye-2 deposit in the Syrdarya district of the Kyzylorda region

The connection between the characteristics of the product and its place of origin (production):

Salt is an essential component of human food. It is the main supplier of the most important elements for the proper functioning of the body.

Using a special equipment, 8 cm of salt is scraped off the surface layer from the new plant. The pure and crystalline form of salt formed on the surface is first subjected to expert analysis, and then collected for processing in order to turn it into table salt.

Table salt or edible salt, which has the chemical formula "sodium chloride", is used as a food product and is of great importance for the vital activity of humans and other creatures. Edible table salt according to organoleptic, physico-chemical parameters, safety indicators (content of toxic elements and radionuclides, etc.), packaging, labeling, transportation and storage must comply with the requirements of ST PK GOST R 51574-2003 "Table salt. Technical specifications" and TP TC 021/2011 "On food safety".

Geographical area of salt production and components

Salt extraction is carried out in an open-pit manner at the Arysskoye-2 deposit on Lake Tuzkol in the Syrdarya district of the Kyzylorda region. After extraction, the salt is collected in the quarry and then sent by conveyor for processing and triple purification. After washing and cleaning, the salt is sent to dry. After drying, the salt is conveyed by conveyor to the packaging shop for packaging products.

Description of the quality, reputation and other characteristics of the salt

The appearance is a crystalline bulk product. There are no metallic impurities unrelated to the origin of salt, the taste is salty, without a built—in aftertaste, the color is white, the smell is odorless. The mass fraction of sodium chloride is 98.19%, the mass fraction of calcium ion is 0.332%, the mass fraction of magnesium ion is 0.80%, the mass fraction of sulfate ion is 0.963%, the mass fraction of potassium ion is 0.08%, the mass fraction of iron (III) oxide is 0/014%, the mass fraction of sodium sulfate is 0.219%, the mass fraction of the residue insoluble in water is 0.311%, the mass fraction of moisture is 0.637%, lead is 0.061%, cadmium is 0.07.

Table salt is divided according to the method of processing — with and without additives, by quality — extra, superior, first and second grades. In the salts of the highest, first and second grades, the presence of dark particles is allowed within the limits of the content of the residue and iron oxide insoluble in water, when an iodizing additive is introduced into the food salt, a faint odor of iodine is allowed. The addition of iodine, an element essential for metabolism and the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, makes this salt a necessary dietary supplement for a wide variety of meals.

The use of iodized salt in an amount of 5-6 grams per day fully provides the body's daily need for iodine.

Salt storage conditions 

Edible table salt in polyethylene, polypropylene and MKP (soft container) packages is stored in dry warehouses of the consumer at a temperature not lower than +15 ° c, and not higher than +25 ° C. It is allowed to store the product in containers on hard-surfaced sites equipped with canopies.

When storing iodized salt, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight.

The shelf life of table salt from the date of production with the addition of iodine when using potassium iodate for self—drying salt is 12 months.

After the expiration date, edible table salt with preventive additives is sold as salt without preventive additives.