Certificate of geographical indication - 11

National Institute of Intellectual Property



(111) Registration №


Type of TP

Certificate of geographical indication

(210) Application number


(220) Date of application


(540) Image

(730) Owner

Kushzhanova Arsena Ulanovna

(450) Number and date of the bulletin

№ 33 - 16.08.2024

(181) Validity period

Type of product



Indication of the place of production of the goods (boundaries of the geographical object):

The production of Zhantachny soap is carried out in the Aral district of the Kyzylorda region

The connection between the characteristics of the product and its place of origin (production):

Ingredients for soap production 

The following ingredients are used in the production of natural soap: coconut oil, safflower oil, palm oil, decoction of zhantak. The main component reflecting the characteristics of the product is a decoction of zhantak, which is the main component of natural soap.

Geographical area of production 

Camel thorn grows in dry steppes and foothills, deserts and semi-deserts. It is found in Central and Asia Minor (the Kyzylkum and Karakum deserts). Since Aralsk is located on the territory of the Karakum desert, our soap has absorbed the best from the camel thorn plant. The plant grows in the south. A decoction of "soap" is allowed only within the territory of the Aral region.

Description of the camel thorn plant 

Outwardly, an ordinary plant – camel thorn or zhantak, as people most often call it, is actually a whole steppe pharmacy, which, by the way, was constantly used by folk healers 100-150 years ago. Zhantak roots contain many useful substances, including ascorbic acid, alkaloids, catechins, coumarins and flavonoids. There are also organic acids, rubber and essential oils. Medicinal infusions and decoctions are prepared from the plant. In particular, a decoction of zhantak roots has anti-inflammatory, astringent properties, it is recommended to take it for the treatment of dysentery. It is difficult to overestimate the ecological significance of the thorn. Like all legumes, it has nitrogen from the air in special root nodules and turns into a form edible for plants. Every year, the dying dry stems of the thorn are eaten by termites and form humus, also rich in nitrogen. Thus, the thorn acts as a reclamation plant and for several decades the field, abandoned due to salinization, makes it fertile again. Unlike most glassworts, camel thorn is non-poisonous and edible for many herbivores. It is harvested for hay. Also, dry thorn is used as fuel. The long root system is able to extract water at great depth – this feature is still used by farmers in the foothills of Kopetdag, cutting off the trunk of a thorn and inserting melon or watermelon seeds into the split stump, which are saturated from the thorn and give a good harvest even in the absence of irrigation water.

Vegetation in the area 

The vegetation in the area is desert and semi-desert, represented by grasses (grasshopper, wormwood, biyurgun) and semi-shrubs (tamarisk, juzgun). Zhantak (camel's thorn) is ubiquitous. There is little greenery in the city (mostly elm).

General characteristics of soap

The surface of the soap is smooth, without a pattern, without white plaque, deformations, cracks, oily secretions. It has a specific soapy smell. The consistency is firm to the touch, not sticky. The mass fraction of sodium chloride is 0.57, the mass fraction of free carbon dioxide is 0.61, and the solidification temperature of fatty acids isolated from soap is - 31 degrees.