Certificate of geographical indication - 45

National Institute of Intellectual Property



(111) No. of registrations


Type of TP

Certificate of geographical indication

(210) Application Number


(220) Date of application


(540) Image


(730) Owner

"Bolashak Bastau" Limited Liability Partnership

(450) Number and date of the bulletin

№ 47 - 22.11.2024

(181) Validity period

Type of product


Fish products

Indication of the place of production of the goods (boundaries of the geographical object):

Zhetysu region, Alakol district, Usharal city

Description of quality, reputation and (or) other characteristics of the goods 

In the south-eastern part of Kazakhstan, the Balkhash-Alakol lowland, which is located on the border of Abay and Zhetysu regions, is the most famous attraction - Lake Alakol. It is located at an altitude of 343 meters above sea level. This area is considered an ecologically favorable region, as there are no industrial enterprises around the lake within a radius of 600 km, thus preserving a unique clean natural complex. The length of the reservoir is 104 km, maximum width 52 km, average depth 22 m, but in some places it reaches 54 meters. The waters of the lake amaze with the variability of color. Depending on weather conditions, it varies from azure-blue to purple-purple.

The Kazakh name "alakol" means - bright multicolored, variegated, which conveys the unique coloring of the lake water. The lake is of relict origin, once there was a sea here. It retreated as a result of a shift in the Earth's crust, leaving a system of lakes. The unique properties of the lake water are provided by underground and artesian waters originating in the mountains.

Lake Alakol is a drainless lake, but 5 large turbulent rivers flow into it, which originate in mountain glaciers. In the north-eastern part of the lake there are salty springs, and in the southern part there are fresh springs. As a result, Alakol acquires a unique combination of salty and fresh water. There are about 20 species of fish in Lake Alakol. Among them the most common are: carp, bream, pikeperch, pikeperch, crucian carp and perch.

Fish products "FISH ALAKOL" is made from raw materials caught in Lake Alakol and is in demand not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the countries of the Customs Union and Europe for more than 20 years.

Fish fillet is considered to be one of the most useful food products. By its nutritional value fillet is not inferior to other fish products, contains a large number of nutrients.

To make fillets, fish is prepared in advance - clean it from scales, cut off fins, separate meat from bones along the backbone. Fillets are cut from still fresh or chilled fish.

The composition of fillets of different species of fish differs significantly, and the number of calories, and the content of vitamins and valuable minerals. However, all fish species have something in common - the presence of easily digestible protein, various amino acids and omega-3-fatty acids.

Pikeperch fillets contain many beneficial mineral elements such as: UFAs (saturated fatty acids), cholesterol, ash, water, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, copper, iodine, manganese, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, zinc, iron, chlorine.

As well as vitamins necessary for human vitality: Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin B9 (folate), Vitamin C, Vitamin E (TE), Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent), Vitamin A.

All products are certified, the company works according to the food safety system - HASSP, has the necessary certificates of quality management, the products regularly undergo laboratory control for the content of toxic elements.


CMAFANM, , CMAFANM, CFU/g - 4.1 x 10

ITTB(coliforms)/BGP(coliforms) - not detected

S.aureus - not detected

Pathogenic, including salmonella - not detected

Bacteria of the genus Clostridium - not detected

Radiological indicators

Cesium 137- 1.3± 2.

Strontium 90 - 0.00±23.10

Toxic elements

Arsenic - 0.62±0.21

Cadmium - 0.034±0.009

Lead - 014±0.04

The technological process of production of frozen fish fillets consists of the following operations: acceptance of raw materials, transfer of raw materials to storage, issuance of raw materials from storage to production, unpacking raw materials, cleaning, transfer of raw materials for defrosting, defrosting, washing raw materials, filleting on an automatic machine or manual fillet processing, rewashing fish fillets, water drainage, shock freezing, packing into consumer containers, packaging, labeling, freezing, storage and transportation.

Production of frozen fish fillets and frozen fish semi-finished products (carcasses, steaks, fillets) is carried out according to technological instructions in accordance with GOST 3948-90, the recommended shelf life of frozen fish products is 10 months, at a temperature not higher than -18 °C.