Certificate of geographical indication - 26

National Institute of Intellectual Property



(111) Registration №


Type of TP

Certificate of geographical indication

(210) Application number


(220) Date of application


(540) Image


(730) Owner

"BurabayBioProduct" Limited Liability Partnership

(450) Number and date of the bulletin

№ 38 - 20.09.2024

(181) Validity period

Type of product


Mountain herbal honey

Indication of the place of production of the goods (boundaries of the geographical object):

The apiary is located on the southeastern slope of a small hill in the village of Urumkai, Burabay district, Akmola region

The connection between the characteristics of the product and its place of origin (production):

“BurabayBаly” honey is from the Burabay at the foot of the mountains of the Kokshetau upland. Mountain honey is one of the most useful varieties of honey. The peculiarity of "BurabayBаly" honey is its environmental friendliness, since it is the Burabay mountains that are famous for clean air, and medicinal herbs, flowers, shrubs are not poisoned by exhaust gases and chemical processing products. Burabay is located on the territory of the national reserve. There is a pine forest with the purest air, beautiful mountains and many lakes. A distinctive feature of Burabay is the continental mountain climate, the medicinal properties of which have been known for centuries. The soil is very fertile, divided into two types: black soil and ash gray soil. The formation of two completely different soil and plant complexes has formed the flora of the national park, which includes 754 species of plants, of which 20 species are rare and endangered plants listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Adonis spring, lady's slipper, large-flowered lady's slipper, pure-white lily, cladinia reindeer, sticky alder, black alder, Sphagnum teres, northern firmoss, yellowish onion, snaking tulip, common spotted orchid, yellowish pasqueflower, open pasqueflower, Urals peony, round-leaved sundew, feather grass, Volga adonis, prince's pine, marshy helleborine, stiff-leaved June grass.) and 79 species of relict plants. The most representative are the following families - aster (12.1%), bluegrass (6.8%), rosaceae (6.2%), sedge family (6.1%), figwort family (3%), mint family (2.8%), marsh (2.7%), parsley family (2.4%) and others.
Medicinal plants: Noble yarrow (Achilleanobilis), common ephedra (Ephedradistachya), Ferula Junggar (Ferulasoongarica), Ural licorice (Glycyrrhizauralensis), Limonium Gmelini (Limoniumgmelinii), Large plantain (Plantagomajor), curled sorrel (Rumexcrispus), blackweed (Seneciojacobaea), Thermopsis lanceolata (Thermopsislanceolata), Marshall's Thyme (Thymusmarschallianus), Dioecious Nettle (Urticadioica), Thyme (Thymusmarschallianus).
Honey plants: Cornflower scabiosa (Centaureascabiosa), Russian bedstraw (Galiumruthenicum), Sickle alfalfa (Medicago falcata), Field mint (Menthaarvensis), Clubmint (Phlomoidestuberosa), Steppe sage (Salviastepposa), Marshall's thyme (Thymusmarschallianus).
Vitamin plants: Ephedradistachya conifer (Ephedradistachya), Shrub sagebrush (Artemisia procera), sickle alfalfa (Medicago falcata), Steppe sage (Salviastepposa).
The peculiarity of the fauna of the Burabay resort creates an excellent honey base, therefore Burabaybaly honey is unique in its composition. The vegetation of the area is closely related to the landscape features of the Kokshetau upland. Its elevated position and strong roughness, slightly higher precipitation than the surrounding areas (300-350 mm), increased moisture availability determine the existence of a forest-steppe landscape in the steppe zone.

Description of the method of production of the product, as well as information about the conditions of its storage and transportation:

Double hives consisting of two hulls are installed. The internal dimensions of each of them are 450 x 450 millimeters and a height of 320 millimeters. The case accommodates 12 frames, and a total of 24 frames are included in the hive. In autumn, winter and early spring, the family was kept in one building, and the second one is in stock, in a warehouse; it became available only in late spring or early summer, when the family would strengthen. In beekeeping, timeliness and accuracy in performing apiary work are of particular importance. The beginning of the main bribe is recognized by the flowering of the main honey plants, the increased flight of bees and the "whitewashing" of the edges of the cells with fresh wax. A bee family must have a large number of free honeycombs for good utilization of the honey yield. Frames filled with honey are selected and empty honeycombs are put in place. The first frames of sealed honey are removed to the warehouse, creating a stock of feed for the winter, and only after that the honey is pumped out at the honey mill.
Honey for storage is drained into clean wooden or glass dishes. A bee family must have a large number of free honeycombs for good utilization of the honey yield. Honey is perfectly stored for a long time and retains all its useful properties. Storage and transportation are recommended in glass containers to preserve the product for a longer period of time. The reason is that the container should be natural, if you store honey in a container made of metal, the result will be an undesirable chemical reaction, the useful properties of the product will be lost, the taste will change, the color will become darker.

Physical, chemical, microbiological, organoleptic or other characteristics: 

Organoleptic indicators

Appearance (consistency) — liquid, partially crystallized

The fragrance is pleasant, odorless

The taste is sweet, pleasant, without foreign flavor

The mass fraction of water is 17.3 %

The mass fraction of reducing sugars is 68.6 %

The mass fraction of sucrose is 33.7%

The diastase number is 8.6 units.

Signs of fermentation — 0

Free acidity — 13.2

Toxic elements

Lead — 0.031

Cadmium — 0.018

Arsenic — 0


Hexachlorocyclohexane (α,β,γ isomers) — less than 0.005

DDT and its metabolites — less than 0.005