
National Institute of Intellectual Property


Антикор өкілі «Qazpatent» қызметкерлері үшін семинар-кеңес өткізді

19 January, 2024

On January 19, 2024 at 15:00 h. in order to confirm the commitment to anti-corruption policy in "Qazpatent" held a seminar-meeting on the theme: "Anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
The speakers were Miras Kargabay, head of the Department of formation of anti-corruption culture of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Combating Corruption, and Indira Baitasova, compliance officer and ethics inspector of "Qazpatent". The seminar was attended by Qazpatent employees. Employees of the branch office located in Almaty also joined this event through the ZOOM platform.
Corruption is a negative phenomenon of modern society, which requires constant careful study, systematic approach, comprehensive and prompt counteraction.
During the seminar, the requirements of the Law "On Anti-Corruption" were explained and clarifications were given on the prevention of criminal and administrative corruption offenses.