
Ұлттық зияткерлік меншік институты

Working group meeting on amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation of intellectual property

25 маусым, 2013

On January 17, 2013 at the Ministry of Justice held a meeting of the working group on amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation of intellectual property pursuant to paragraph 15 of Perspective plan of legislative activities of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013-2014, approved by the Government of the Republic Kazakhstan on March 29, 2012 № 360.

Meeting of the working group was chaired by the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan Z. Baymoldina , with Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan S. Merkibay , Head of the implementation of the state policy in the field of Industrial Property of the Committee on Intellectual Property M. Sadanov and representatives of the State Enterprise "NIIP", Department of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State Enterprise "Institute of Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the Committee of the criminal police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Agency for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption (Financial Police), the Agency for Protection of Competition, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Association of Patent Attorneys, ALE "Protection Association of Entrepreneurs of Astana" and NECK "Union" Atameken