
Ұлттық зияткерлік меншік институты

Joint work with law enforcement authorities of Kyzylorda region

28 маусым, 2013

Department of Justice of Kyzylorda region in cooperation with Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Financial Police, in order to improve cooperation in combating violations of intellectual property rights are held monthly checks.

Since the beginning of the year the Justice agencies together with law enforcement agencies conducted 23 joint inspections. The bodies revealed 16 violations, 10 out of which belong to the financial police, 6 violations to internal affairs. 15 criminal cases were opened, and 1 case - refused to open. 9295 of counterfeit products for a total number of 1.859 million tenge were seized.

Department of Justice received a complaint of LLP “Software Info Prom”. On the basis of the complaint LLP “Training and Consulting Center IQ” has been audited for the use of unlicensed software “1C”. The audit revealed the illegal use of software “1C: Enterprise 8.2”, “Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2008 SP3”, and “Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2002 SP3”.

The materials on this fact directed to the Department for Fighting Economic and Corruption Crime in Kyzylorda region for further action.

In the period of 18 March - 8 April, 2013 Department of Justice of Kyzylorda region audited LLP “Halyk gazetі”. As a result Specialized Administrative Court of Kyzylorda considered an administrative offense.

On April 25 of this year according to the decision of the court physical evidence (two system units) was seized, and “Halyk gazetі” was fined up to 100 monthly index (173,100 tenge).

May 16, 2013 Shieliyski District Office of the Department of Justice of Kyzylorda region together with the employees of the financial police inspected “Altai” computer game club. The inspection revealed a violation committed by a citizen of Bakirova A. 4 computer system units were seized and sent for forensic examination.

On 20 of May 2013 Department of Justice of Kyzylorda region together with the financial police made an inspection, which resulted 18,196 amount of bottles of unlicensed alcohol in the courtyard of LLP “MCH”.