
Ұлттық зияткерлік меншік институты

Videoconference on "The protection of intellectual property rights" on March 27, 2014

01 сәуір, 2014

On March 27 of this year Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice (hereinafter - Committee) conducted an online video conference on the protection of intellectual property rights involving police departments on Intellectual Property Rights territorial justice agencies , law enforcement, creative unions of writers, small and medium-sized businesses, organizations managing property rights on a collective basis (hereinafter - the organization), Association of legal entities "National Association of Broadcasters of Kazakhstan" (hereinafter - the Association).

The purpose of this video is to inform the public about the ongoing work of the state bodies for the protection of intellectual property rights, which is one of the main indicators of the Global Competitiveness Index rankings of the World Economic Forum. Videoconference discussed measures taken by public authorities to improve the position of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the rankings of the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum on the preparations for the International Forum "Anti counterfiet" held within the VII Astana Economic Forum, as well as issues of payment of remuneration, in particular, by cable broadcasting . Deputy Chairman of the Committee S. Abdreyeva in his speech noted that one of the priorities of Justice is providing adequate protection of the rights of authors to works of science, literature and art, as well as for industrial property . In 2013, despite a reduction in the number of inspections, compared to the same period last year by 32 %, improved their quality, was initiated 655 administrative cases. Upon review of the administrative cases in the courts to administrative proceedings were brought against 620 persons. Senior inspector for especially important cases of the Agency for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Financial Police) E. Kalygulova noted that in 2013 the financial police in this area have been identified 645 crimes, 589 of them - on Art.184 CC, 10 - by Art.199 CC, 46 - on article 227 of the Criminal Code. Damage caused to rights holders on the identified crimes in this area amounted to more than 500 million tenge. In 2013, the financial police activity was suppressed 79 clandestine workshops for manufacturing counterfeit products . In his speech, the chief of criminal police department of the Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs J. Sunbay reported that in 2013 the internal affairs bodies were identified in 2327 offenses in the sphere of information technologies, of which 1928 to infringe copyright and related rights. Withdrawn from illegal circulation of 230 thousand counterfeit CD-DVD discs , 899 disc with illegal software. In discussing the payment of royalties Representatives ALE "National Association of Broadcasters of Kazakhstan" and organizations that administer economic rights on a collective basis . According to the representative of the association, cable operators are "Postmans" by sending TV programs air channels as they do not create objects of copyright and related rights, respectively , and did not have to pay royalties . President of "Non-profit organization for the protection of copyright and related rights " Amanat "and CEO of the NGO "Copyright Company" Abyroi" expressed a different view, noting that cable operators carry out the use of copyright and related rights. According to paragraph 5 of Article 16 of the Law "On Copyright and Related Rights" and they are the users for lawful use of copyright and related rights must enter into contracts with organizations for the collective management of rights of authors, performers, phonogram producers or directly with authors, performers , producers phonograms. Following the discussion, the issue of payment of royalties videoconference participants was decided to hold the second half of a separate roundtable discussion of this issue with the cable operators and broadcasting organizations that administer economic rights on a collective basis . On the preparation of the II International Forum "Anti counrtfiet" (hereinafter - the forum) Deputy Chairman S. Abdreyeva reported that on 21-22 May, 2014 at the VII Astana Economic Forum will discuss the most pressing issues of intellectual property protection, piracy on the Internet, to counter trafficking in counterfeit, adulterated and substandard products, as well as the exchange of experience, discussion of contemporary civil and criminal legal mechanisms for protection against counterfeiting and trends to improve legislation in this field at national and international levels. The forum was attended by 206 participants confirmed from the bottom 176- Kazakhstan, 30 - foreign . The speakers stated 25 participants, including: Member of the Board, the Minister for Economy and Financial Policies of the Eurasian Economic Commission – T. Sulejmenov, President of the World Association of Women Inventors - Han Mi Yong, President of NP "Anti counrtfiet" – A. Aslahanov, Vice - president of the Union of Food Producers - V. Zinchenko and etc. By the end of the videoconference participants were encouraged to take an active part in discussions on intellectual property rights on the Virtual Project G-global site. The Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Justice Committee on Intellectual Property Rights