
Ұлттық зияткерлік меншік институты

Announcement. Ministry of Justice is planning to hold public hearing on the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

29 қыркүйек, 2016
Ministry of Justice within the framework of the activity on coverage of an provisions of the draft law plans conducting of public hearings on draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On amendments and supplements to some legislative acts on legislation improvement in the field of intellectual property” in Almaty (September 30, 2016), Astana (October 6, 2016) and Pavlodar (preliminary date – October 14, 2016).
Parliamentarians, representatives of government bodies, non-governmental organizations, academic community, right holders, patent attorneys, patent specialists and mass media are going to participate in these activities.
The main purpose of the public hearings is explaining and discussing of general provisions of the draft law focused on intellectual property rights protection.