
Ұлттық зияткерлік меншік институты

Announcement. Ministry of Justice is planning to hold public hearing on the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

06 қазан, 2016
On October 6 anni currentis at 15.00 in Astana Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan is planning to hold public hearing on the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On amendments and supplements to some legislative acts on legislation improvement in the field of intellectual property”.
Parliamentarians, representatives of the Ministry of Justice, as well as Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken", National Institute of Intellectual Property, research institutions, organizations of collective management of copyright and related rights, patent attorneys and representatives of business are going to participate in the hearing.
Full texts of the draft Law and Conception to it are published on the official Internet resources of the Ministry of Justice www.adilet.gov.kzand National Institute of Intellectual Property www.kazpatent.kz, in «Juridicheskaya gazeta» («Юридическая газета»,), «Zan gazety» («Заң газеті») periodicals №№ 101, 102, 103 dated September 14, 17, 20, 2016.
Telephones for journalists accreditation: 74-94-78, 8-771-606-23-52 Kapbassova Assem, 74-06-01 Lurova Aida.
Venue: National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the republic of Kazakhstan ( Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000, Astana, 8, Kunaev Street, Administrative building "Emerald quarter" A3, Block "B", 10th Floor, “Mugalzhar” hall).
Next public hearings are scheduled to be held in Pavlodar (October 14) and Karaganda (first decade of November).