Ұлттық зияткерлік меншік институты
KAZPATENT announces an annual contest among schoolchildren for the best essay on the topic "Future is in your hands: invent and create".
Students of grades 8-11 of General education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan can participate in the competition.
The deadline for the submission of essays (ESSAY): September 2 - October 11, 2021.
The aim of the competition is to stimulate creative activity among schoolchildren, spread knowledge in the field of intellectual property and instill the basics of patent culture in the younger generation.
The terms of the competition are available at the link: https://shapagat.kazpatent.kz/ru/content/konkurs-sredi-shkolnikov-budushchee-v-tvoih-rukah-izobretay-i-soziday-0
The winners will be announced on October 22, 2021.
For more information, please contact the competition organizers by e-mail shapagat@kazpatent.kz