
Ұлттық зияткерлік меншік институты

Training center held a seminar

24 мамыр, 2019

On May 24, 2019, an educational seminar for the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev on the theme: “Legal protection and electronic filing of applications of industrial property objects” was held at the training center of the branch of the RSE “National Institute of Intellectual Property”.

Teachers of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev аttended the seminar.

The history of the higher education institution begins in 1931, when a branch of the Central Asian Institute of Railway Engineers was opened in Almaty, with railway, mechanical and operational specialties for training personnel for the Turkestan-Siberian railway.

Today, the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev is the main base for training highly qualified specialists for the transport and communications sector of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main expert of the Office of Patent Research for Inventions R. Dzhetybaeva and the specialist of the Training Center A. Kurenkeeva made presentations in the seminar.

During the seminar, questions were raised regarding the procedure for filing an application for an invention, utility model, the timing of industrial property objects, conducting expertise, entering information into the state register, and the benefits of electronic filing applications for industrial property objects.

Participants thanked the branch employees for organizing the training event, noting its importance and significance for the Academy staff.