
Ұлттық зияткерлік меншік институты

I International Green Technologies Conference: Creating a Clean Future

15 қараша, 2019
On November 14-15 this year, the I international conference of green technologies: creating a clean future was held.The conference was organized by the International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects with the support of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Association of Environmental Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The conference was attended by members of Parliament, representatives of government agencies, representatives of the OECD, development and venture financing institutions, leading foreign experts from the United States, Germany, scientists and business representatives.
Within the framework of the conference, the International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects, together with the German Energy Agency, organized a round table on the theme “Development of an effective system for the commercialization of green technologies”:
  • the possibility of using the accelerated examination procedure;
  • ability to search for a special section "Green technologies" on the website of RSE "NIIS", which contains more than 3 thousand patents in the field of energy and environmental technologies;
  • the ability to use the WIPO WIPO Green platform to host their projects or search for technologies and / or partners. WIPO GREEN supports global efforts to tackle climate change by connecting suppliers and those seeking green technology to drive innovation and the spread of green technology. Currently, 12 projects from Kazakhstan are placed in WIPO Green (NATR JSC - KCIE JSC);
  • the opportunity to receive consulting services in the Front Office of the RSE “NIIP” on the territory of the International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects.

In addition, G. Ilyasova acquainted the participants of the round table with the trends of patenting green technologies, including the analysis of patent statistics on alternative energy in Kazakhstan and in the world on the basis of WIPO data.