
Ұлттық зияткерлік меншік институты

Training Center held a meeting with students

24 ақпан, 2020

Within the framework of the Year of the Volunteer, on February 21, 2020, in order to identify, stimulate and promote young inventors, as well as increase their interest in creating intellectual property objects, the Training Center of the NIIP Branch organized and held a meeting with students in grades 9-10 of secondary school No. 13 of the Talgar district of Almaty area.

The organizers told the students about how inventions arise, about the improvement of previously known inventions, about the most expensive brands in the world and the Republic of Kazakhstan, about the concept of the author and objects of copyright.

At this meeting, participants were provided with developed booklets on the contest "Gifted intellectual" and on intellectual property objects (patents, trademarks, copyright).

Students were asked questions about famous brands in the Republic of Kazakhstan and about the registration of literary works as an object of copyright.

At the end of the meeting, the director of the school Kuralay Konysbaeva, noted the usefulness and importance of such events to increase the knowledge of young people in the field of intellectual property, thanked the organizers for the relevant work.