Ұлттық зияткерлік меншік институты
According to the Paragraph 2 of the Work Plan of the Ministry of Justice for the 4th quarter of 2013, approved by order of the Executive Secretary on September 25, 2013 number 303, in Astana in October planned holding the Republican seminar on “Collective rights administration: experience, problems and prospects” .
The workshop will be led by the Chairman of the Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abzal Yestayev.
The seminar will discuss the collective management of rights, terms of contracts between organizations and users, interest rates and more.
The workshop will be attended by members of the Committee, territorial justice agencies, representatives of the financial police, law enforcement bodies, prosecutors, courts and organizations that administer economic rights of authors and copyright holders.
To date, the entrepreneurs there are several questions regarding the collection , distribution and payment of remuneration to the copyright and related rights. In this regard, the seminar will make presentations by representatives of the organizations managing property rights, where users will explain the objectives of creation, functions and responsibilities of organizations.