
National Institute of Intellectual Property


Field Meeting of the Working Group of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

20 February, 2025

On February 20, 2025, a field meeting of the Working Group of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at Qazpatent to discuss the draft Law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Intellectual Property Issues."
At the beginning of the event, participants visited an exhibition organized as part of the meeting. The Director of Qazpatent, Sabit Akhmetov, familiarized the Working Group members with the main areas of the institute's activities.
The meeting of the Working Group was opened by Nursultan Baytilesov, a member of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Head of the Working Group on the draft Law. In his welcoming speech, he emphasized the importance of reforms in the field of intellectual property for the development of the country's innovative economy and ensuring effective protection of intellectual property rights.
Botagoz Zhaxelekova, Vice Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, presented a detailed overview of the draft Law, explaining the key changes proposed by the draft, as well as the significance of the new initiatives for improving the legal framework in the field of intellectual property.
After the presentation, an active discussion took place, with questions from the participants of the meeting. The discussion raised issues related to current problems and proposals aimed at improving the legislation on intellectual property, including the protection of the rights of authors and developers of innovative products.
The meeting concluded with a final word from Nursultan Baytilesov, who thanked the participants for their active participation in the discussion and emphasized the importance of further work on improving intellectual property legislation to create favorable conditions for the development of domestic businesses, innovations, and other intellectual products.