
Национальный институт интеллектуальной собственности

Branch of the “NIIP” RSE in Almaty held a seminar

13 декабря, 2016
On December 8, 2016 seminar “Legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on intellectual property issues. Electronic filing of applications for industrial property objects” was held in Almaty by the branch of the “NIIP” RSE in the Institute of Microbiology and Virology according to the point 12 of the Operating plan of the “NIIP” RSE for 2016 on carrying out law expository measures and public awareness campaign in the field of intellectual property among academic institutions, Institutions of Higher Education and organizations.
Associate professors, candidates of sciences, heads of departments, researchers, patent attorneys and employees of the branch of "NIIP" RSE took part in the seminar.
According to the prior approved seminar program, employees of the branch expanded on the following topics:
- Legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on intellectual property issues (as amended and supplemented);
- Electronic filing of applications for industrial property objects.
Seminar participants put questions and received exhaustive replies regarding the registration of industrial property objects, copyright, e-filing of applications on IPO (including the assignment of barcodes, the period of application pendency filed electronically, etc.).