
Национальный институт интеллектуальной собственности


Training seminar took place at the National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health

13 февраля, 2019

On February 13, 2019, in order to raise awareness of the importance of IP legal protection, a seminar on IP registration with the participation of NIIP representatives took place at the National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health (hereinafter - the Center).

The seminar covered the activities of the Institute. First Deputy Director Kaliya Batayeva, having delivered a welcoming speech, spoke about NIIP activities and the current IP situation in Kazakhstan as a whole. Altynay Batyrbekova, Head of the Department of Inventions, Utility Models and Selection Achievements, familiarized the staff of the Center with the process of national and foreign patenting of inventions and utility models. The main points on the filing of copyright applications and entering information to the State Register were presented by Head of the Copyright Division Altynay Taisheva. Dauren Dossymbek, Head of the Division of Patent Information and Automation of Examination Stages, consecrated questions on e-filing, and during his presentation he also answered questions related to the use of e-filing and the procedure for submitting application documents.

The workshop participants thanked the NIIP staff for organizing the training event, noting its importance and significance for the Center staff, as well as the importance of the information provided, and made a proposal to hold such events on an ongoing basis.