
Национальный институт интеллектуальной собственности


The "Young Inventor School" first workshop

03 февраля, 2020

As part of the Volunteer Year, NIIP launched a series of training workshops "Young Inventor School" for the young generation.

The first workshop for 150 capital high school students took place on February 3, 2020 with the participation of the leadership of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and NIIP.

The event was opened with a welcoming speech by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Beketayev, who greeted the younger generation and expressed the hope that the event would be a useful and motivating source for students.

Aidyn Artykova, Head of the Division for Development and International Cooperation (DDIC), spoke to students in grades 9-11, plunging them into the world of inventions, talking about the need and advantages of inventions.

Head of the Department of Inventions, Utility Models and Selection Achievements Altynay Batyrbekova highlighted the mechanisms for patenting inventions at the national and international levels.

Pupils had the opportunity to talk with their peer - inventor, author of a utility model patent No. 4495 “Dome-shaped solar tracker”, a student of 11 grade, No. 9 “ZERDE” Specialized School, Temirlan Rakhimbayev, who shared his experience of invention, answered questions from the audience.

In order to promote and stimulate schoolchildren to invent, as well as to increase their interest in creating products of intellectual activity, Deputy Head ofDDICInkara Shertysheva familiarized the audience with annual republican competitions among schoolchildren (Nazarbayev Fund Schools Challenge and an online contest among schoolchildren for the best essay “The future is in your hands: invent and create”). A film was also shown about the Nazarbayev Fund Schools Challenge - 2019.

During the event, students took part in an interactive quiz about inventions. The most active participants received souvenirs.

According to the results of the workshop, teachers and schoolchildren shared their impressions, noted the usefulness and importance of holding such events to unleash the creative potential of young people, thanked the organizers and expressed their commitment to participate in the announced competitions.

Marat Beketayev,Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Aidyn Artykova, Head of the Division for Development and International Cooperation Altynay Batyrbekova,Head of the Department of Inventions, Utility Models and Selection Achievements Inkara Shertysheva, DeputyHead of the Division for Development and International Cooperation
Temirlan Rakhimbayev,inventor and author of a utility model patent“Dome-shaped solar tracker”, a student of 11 grade, No. 9 “ZERDE” Specialized School

Interactive quiz