National Institute of Intellectual Property
In Japan EijiToyoda, who many yearswasDirector ofToyota Motor Corporationdiedof a heart attack at 100 years old, The Japan Daily Pressreports.
Inthe company Toyodahas worked from 1936,becamepresident of the corporationin1967. In1982 hewas appointed Chairman ofthe Board ofDirectors ofToyota Motors.Toyodaleft thecompanyin 1994.Add thatheis the cousin ofgroupfounderKiichiroToyoda.
ThankstoEijiToyodacompany substantiallyincreased itsvehicle salesabroad.In 1983 thecarmakerbegan tooversee thedevelopment of theluxury brandLexus.Toyoda introduced to the enterprise a system ofToyota Way-the principle ofthe most efficient cars production.